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Intro to Outdoor Climbing (2 Day)

Learn to Abseil
learn to belay

Intro to Outdoor Climbing

Price : 2 People - £400


Course Outline

This 2 Day Course is aimed at those who wish to learn and develop the skills necessary to climb safely outdoors.  The Course will focus both on rigging (top rope setups), including use of natural protection such as nuts, slings and cams, as well as climbing skills specific to outdoor climbing.  

Who is this course for?

This course is aimed at those who have either some climbing experience in the climbing gym and are wanting to develop the necessary skills to use natural protection and built top rope anchors, as well as Sport Climbers looking to make the move over to 'Trad' climbing.

What we will focus on

  • Picking appropriate venues and analysing rock quality.

  • Introducing 'Trad' Gear such as nuts, hex's cams and slings and their proper use.

  • Tope rope rigging, rope management and operating safely at the top of the crag.

  • Outdoor climbing techniques and how to safely analyse the rock while climbing

  • Belayer 'anchoring'

Structure of the day

We will begin each day at the crag at 0930 and will finish around 1700.  The exact location for the course will be given closer to the time, as things such as weather may affect the location choice.

We will begin day 1 with an introduction to your instructor and a chance for them to get to know you, what your experience is and what you are hoping to get out of the course.

After this the remainder of the two days will be devoted to working through our focus points, while ensuring that the exact structure is tailored to each person 

What skills must I already possess

All those entering this course must already be proficient as a top rope belayer.  Climbing will be the primary focus and therefore you have the necessary skills to belay safely.  

What do I need?

  • Helmet

  • Harness

  • Belay plate

  • Lunch/ drinks for the day

  • Appropriate clothing

For dates and to book please use the button below.

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